Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Taking Risks
I have to confess this year has been anything but normal to me. January marked my return to school ten years after graduating from high school. It was a risky choice. Life was already busy as a wife, mother, church leader, musician and radio host. It sure was already challenging, but something inside screamed for more. I needed growth before the inner fighter became too weak, and eventually died. Things don’t affect every person the same way. For me, being out of school and staying around the environment and the people I already knew was beginning to make every unfamiliar situation or person a source for anxiety. Going to the store for example, was fine. It was fine mostly because I had already picked the two stores I knew best, but the moment I got in line I started to wonder if the cashier would ask anything, you know, those deep questions like “did you find everything you were looking for?”. It scared me to think I was becoming too afraid to hold a brief friendly conversation with anyone new. I mean, what went next??? So, with God’s help, I decided to fight against fear and take risks. Enrolling in college was one of those risks. Another one has to do with a video project that was out of the usual for me. This is when the idea for the “Solo Contigo” video clip came along. It pushed me to come out of my comfort zone in order to share God’s plan of salvation, and well, here it is!
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Get our new album Celestial
It’s been four months of waiting and praying that our songs of worship and praise can finally make their way to distribution and be of blessing to many. As of Thursday November 23, 2017, Celestial is finally available worldwide through CD Baby...and within a week, it will be available through CD Baby’s partners. That’s right, iTunes, Google Play Store, Amazon, YouTube and more are soon to have our music available. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this album, and those who supported us with prayer, words of encouragement and even with just their friendship. Along with that, there are a couple of video clips in the final stage of editing. There are a couple of brothers in the faith that have also given their time to the production of these. We will be very exited to share them very soon, but before that, I truly want to thank everyone involved in their making. I feel happy and thankful that God has allowed us to serve Him doing the things that we love doing and impacting the lives of those touched by the message of our lyrics. I look forward to more opportunities of producing music, video and anything that God calls us to. As for now, you are more than welcome to check out the link to Ministerio por Su Gracia’s latest album and leave a review right below the song previews.
It’s been four months of waiting and praying that our songs of worship and praise can finally make their way to distribution and be of blessing to many. As of Thursday November 23, 2017, Celestial is finally available worldwide through CD Baby...and within a week, it will be available through CD Baby’s partners. That’s right, iTunes, Google Play Store, Amazon, YouTube and more are soon to have our music available. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the making of this album, and those who supported us with prayer, words of encouragement and even with just their friendship. Along with that, there are a couple of video clips in the final stage of editing. There are a couple of brothers in the faith that have also given their time to the production of these. We will be very exited to share them very soon, but before that, I truly want to thank everyone involved in their making. I feel happy and thankful that God has allowed us to serve Him doing the things that we love doing and impacting the lives of those touched by the message of our lyrics. I look forward to more opportunities of producing music, video and anything that God calls us to. As for now, you are more than welcome to check out the link to Ministerio por Su Gracia’s latest album and leave a review right below the song previews.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
People in my Life
I have met so many people in the course of my life, and do not regret having met each and every one. Those who have hurt me helped me to grow in love and to experience forgiveness. Those who have failed me showed me that I can trust no one but God, because even when the best intentions are present, we’re still human and will eventually fail. Those whom I’ve hurt and failed have showed me that I should never point fingers, because one day I might be the one needing forgiveness and mercy. I have found myself in moments when others have looked up to me as a leader, and also experienced (often) how others help me up and cheer me on when I’m dragging. I am thankful for those who mentored me and shared what they knew, for those who pray for me to stay strong, for those who have been there to share my burdens and those who have given me chance after chance even after realizing I’m no better human than they are. I pray that at least one person will benefit from any knowledge I can share with them, from the lyrics of a song that will speak to their heart, from a message heard through radio, video, blog or pulpit, and even from my mistakes...that hopefully will help us learn what not do or how not to do it. Every person that God has placed in my life has been a blessing in one way or another, and I only they knew what I know...that each have a place that no one else can fill.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
So many things have gone wrong-and so many things have gone right. So many times I’ve encountered failure, rejection, loss, pain-yet, a few more, I’ve enjoyed success, love, gain and happiness. I can only be thankful for it all. Yes, it’s November, but no, ‘not only writing this because Thanksgiving is approaching. Honestly, I’ve been reflecting on recent personal events that in past times would have destroyed any optimism and trust left within me. Surprisingly enough, I still believe there is much to look forward to. There are more than enough reasons to press on, and to face life with a smile. Scars from the past have helped me learn and grow stronger. Looking back at moments when I let hours, weeks, months, or perhaps years be filled with sorrow-times when hardships would take over my emotions...I now realize that life didn’t end there. There was an “after” even for those moments when it seemed like there wouldn't be. There was an end for even most difficult times. Better yet, all of that prepared me for today. Now, don’t get me wrong. Life is long (God willing). I’m not saying I’ll never again cry over negative circumstances, but as of today, I’m thankful. I thank God for the good, for the bad, for what I have, for what hasn’t been granted to me. I’m thankful He’s allowed me to make mistakes, and to cry, and to sob...and then to get up from the dust, let Him confort me, and simply go on. What else can I ask for?! Every tear and every smile have been part of this gift called “life”, and they have both played their part in the precious treasure called “experience”.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Solo Contigo (Only with You)
Solo Contigo listening link coming soon!
Probably one of the simplest concepts learned in my faith life is imprinted in the lyrics of this song, which will soon be available through online music platforms. Unfortunately, learning this simple concept did not happen through one easy lesson.
Learning that, indeed, “...apart from me (Jesus) you can do nothing...” (John 15:5 NLT) happened after facing the toughest moments of my young adult life. The future was bright, there were so many plans ahead of me. Suddenly, doors became shut, university funds were denied, car was totaled in a wreck, wedding plans collapsed (don’t worry, wedding did happen six months later) and no one understood why I was crying at the most random times, why I couldn’t even eat a meal without tears coming down my cheeks, why I couldn’t even articulate an accurate description of the frustration and quite honestly-depression that I was struggling against. It took an introspective look at my heart to realize that, while I wasn’t openly denying my faith or walking astray from it, I had come to trust my plans more than I trusted my God. While planning and being prepared is never wrong, one who proclaims to live a life of faith must ultimately recognize that success, and overall, peace don’t come from one’s capabilities or resources. It took failure to recognize that God was still in charge, and that I needed Him every step of the way.
Probably one of the simplest concepts learned in my faith life is imprinted in the lyrics of this song, which will soon be available through online music platforms. Unfortunately, learning this simple concept did not happen through one easy lesson.
Solo Contigo Lyrics
Le tuve miedo al fracaso y ahí fue donde llegué,
al darte la espalda todo me salió al revés.
Le tuve miedo a la soledad, y tanto me aferré
al amor de un humano, y aún así sola me quedé.
Es que sin ti no hay victorias. Solo en ti está el poder.
Oh, Jesucristo amado, sin ti nada puedo hacer.
Solo contigo se mueven las montañas,
los mares se han abierto y el sol de mañana nunca deja de brillar.
Solo contigo se derrumban las murallas,
Se gana la batalla aún antes de luchar.
Solo contigo encontré la paz//
Solo Contigo lyrics (translated)
I was afraid of failure, and that’s where I ended up at.
When I turned my back on you everything turned upside down.
I have as afraid of loneliness and I clung so hard
to someone’s love, and still ended up alone.
It’s because without you there are no victories. There’s only power in you.
Oh, beloved Jesus, I can’t do anything without you.
Only with you mountains move,
seas have opened up, and the morning sun never ceases to shine.
Only with you walls fall down,
battles are won before there is a fight.
Only with you I found peace.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Upcoming Album-Celestial-born in the middle of pain
For months we waited and were very excited about the recording of our second album, and on the 5th of June, the day finally arrived. We were, at last, in the studio of ADSA Producciones in Tapachula, Chiapas, MX. This is were the epicenter of a recent earthquake that left much destruction was. We were very happy to be with family members that we don’t get to see very often, and were the recipients of much hospitality and kindness. At one point, as though things just could not be that easy, it all started to take a different turn. Soon, finding the strength and courage to proceed with the recording became a spiritual, emotional and at times physical challenge. During the five weeks we spent over there we experienced two mild earthquakes, the illness of our youngest child, and sadly, a much more painful tragedy: the loss of a relative here in Kansas. It was our third day recording when we received news of her abduction, and a day later, of her passing. Being away suddenly became hard, as we wanted to be with our Kansas family and be of support during that difficult time. In the midst of thinking we would not even be able to say our last goodbyes to our loved one, God allowed for us to be able to. We struggled to find the fortitude needed, but found the strength of God to resume the recording, and every song became more real. “Heavenly victory...”, says one of them... “...over all adversity. In your arms, today, I can be at peace knowing that nothing will be if it is not your will...”. We believe in victories, even painful ones. Our loved one is physically gone, but embraced faith before parting. Her victory is won, and nothing can take that away. As for the album, with God’s blessing, it is soon to be released, and will always be a reminder of our Lord’s mercy and power holding us when our world breaks in pieces.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Enseñame (Teach Me)
Listen to Enseñame
Enseñame (Teach Me) lyrics
Enseñame, enseñame hoy a comprender lo que es el amor.
Enseñame, oh mi Señor, a ser de ti fiel imitador.
Que no escatimaste a tu hijo Jesus, mas lo entregaste a morir en la cruz//
Enseñame a olvidar. Ayudame a perdonar.
Quiero aprender de ti esa forma de amar.
De tal manera fue, me quisiste salvar.
Y no escatimaste a tu hijo Jesus, mas lo entregaste a morir en la cruz//
Cuando nos viste en nuestro pecado, cautivos por la maldad
tu decidiste enviar a tu hijo para darnos libertad,
para darnos la luz u-u-u///
Enseñame (Teach Me) lyrics translated
Teach me, teach me today, to understand what love is.
Teach me, oh my Lord, to be a faithful imitator of you.
You did not spare your son Jesus, but gave Him up so he would die on the cross.//
Teach me how to forget. Help me to forgive.
I want to learn from you the way you love.
You did it in such a way that you came to save me.
You did not spare your son Jesus, but gave Him up so he would die on the cross.//
When you saw in our sins, captivated my evil
you decided to send your child to give us freedom,
to give us light. oooh-oooh-oooh-//
I do not recall the exact moment when I wrote this song, or the circumstance it came out of. I do remember, however, that by the time we started recording it at the end of 2012 this song had become a prayer that I desperately sung from the bottom of my heart. It was near the end of my second pregnancy, which was a very trying time for me. Going through not only the physical effects of motherhood, but also some unexpected complications along with very emotional episodes, all I wanted was for God to give me strength to make it to the delivery room. Honestly, I could not see much more beyond that, but I figured if God allowed me to love long enough to give birth, He would also need to give me the strength to cope, to forgive and to love again.
Monday, September 25, 2017
Te Tengo a Ti (Quinceañera)
Te Tengo a Ti (Quinceañera) Lyrics
Hoy desperté y nada pareció igual, me di cuenta que sin poderlo evitar todo comenzó a cambiar.
Ya no se encuentran mis zapatos de niña. ¿A donde ha ido mi muñeca preferida?
Ya no es la misma esa ropa pequeñita que mamá escogía por mi, ya no se encuentra ahí.
Pues ya pasaron los días, los años, haciendo evidente que todo es vanidad;
Que lo único que es para siempre es tu verdad.//
Pues el cielo y la tierra pasarán, y todo lo que tengo se agotará.
Aún mis días de niña y de juventud se escaparán de mi// Señor, pero te tengo a ti.
Hoy me preparo, pongo en mis pies zapatillas.
Cuido que el maquillaje sea resistente a lágrimas y sonrisas.
Y al mirar el vestido pienso en tus maravillas, y poco a poco sin poder evitarlo caigo de rodillas.
Pues ya pasaron los días, los años, haciendo evidente que todo es vanidad;
Que lo único que es para siempre es tu verdad.
Pues el cielo y la tierra pasarán, y todo lo que tengo se agotará.
Aún mis días de niña y de juventud se escaparán de mi// Señor, pero te tengo a ti.
Señor, te tengo a ti. El cielo y la tierra pasarán, todo cesara, pero te tengo a ti Jesus.
Mi roca eterna, amigo fiel, aun te tengo a ti mi Dios.
Te Tengo a Ti (Quinceañera) Lyrics, translated
I woke up today and nothing looked the same, I realized that inevitably everything started to change.
My little girl shoes are no longer there, where did my favorite doll go?
The tiny clothes mommy chose for me is not the same anymore, it's no longer there.
Days, years have gone by making it evident that everything is vanity,
That the only thing that will last forever is your truth//
For heaven and earth will pass and everything I have will run out.
Even my childhood and youth will escape from me// Lord, but I have you.
Today I prepare, I put on high heels.
I make sure the make up is tear and smile proof.
And as I look at the gown I think of your wonders, and little by little, I can't help to fall on my knees.
Days, years have gone by making it evident that everything is vanity,
That the only thing that will last forever is your truth.
For heaven and earth will pass and everything I have will run out.
Even my childhood and youth will escape from me// Lord, but I have you.
Lord I have you. Heaven and earth will pass, everything will end, but I have you Jesus.
My everlasting Rock, faithful friend. I still have you my God.
As many might already know, there is a hispanic tradition in which young ladies are presented before God and before society when turning fifteen years of age. This may be compared to a Sweet Sixteen celebration for Americans. As I have mentioned before in this blog, my family was not a wealthy one. A few months before I turned fifteen we moved to a modest apartment complex in the east side of town. By this time I had, not two, but three younger siblings. Besides that, my birthday is in the middle of January. Typically during winter, in Kansas' weather, the income for many working families decreases, as low temperatures don't allow many jobs to continue their normal operations. Also, December holidays sort of cause a little extra spending, so, a January birthday is not usually good news monetarily speaking. I was aware that being my mother's first daughter to reach the age of fifteen, she really wished she had the means to make a very special celebration. Understanding that this simply could not be done, I was content and had no issue just doing our usual instant mix homemade cake in the family kitchen. One night, about a year later, I began to reflect on this. I thought about how not having a Quinceañera translates to social humiliation for some, and total embarrassment for the young ladies who tend feel as though their Quinceañera party had to be the most notorious event, surpassing everything anyone else had done. From my point of view, all this could be a beautiful thing, but did not replace the joy and peace of having a family, having a home, having a place where my faith and knowledge of God could grow and simply feeling blessed. I asked myself what I had missed in not being able to have a Quinceañera. My reply to self was: "nothing, for I feel just as happy."
I wrote this song as proof that my joy was left untouched, and that if there had been enough money and I would have had a Quinceañera, I wouldn't be more or less happy. As the song implies, all of this is temporary and does not compare to an eternity with God.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Armemonos de Valor (Let's Take Courage)
Listen to Armemonos de Valor
Armemonos de Valor Lyrics in Spanish
He visto al caído llorar amargamente, escondido en la soledad por no poder sostenerse.
He visto a mas de un hermano sufriendo por el amor que todos le retiraron en la congregación.
He visto al triste callar toda su tristeza, pues ya nadie quiere escuchar, a nadie le interesa.
Y anhela poder hallar en su angustia un hermano, amigo que ama en todo tiempo y le extiende su mano.
Armemonos de valor que ya termine esta división, vamos a restaurar, pues esa es la visión//
Por ahí llegue a escuchar de alguien sediento de Cristo que nunca se pudo enterar de ese gran sacrificio,
y un pecador como yo que no tuvo el beneficio que yo si pude tener, pues nadie le enseñó el camino.
Armemonos de valor, no debe existir el miedo. Vamos a predicar y guiar almas al cielo//
He visto volver atrás en el momento de luchas al que supo que tentaciones y pruebas son muchas,
y triste quiso callar y salir de la iglesia, sin mas nada que decir a su antigua vida regresa.
Armemonos de valor porque es del fuerte el reino de los cielos.
Si somos valientes dice el Señor que lo arrebataremos.////
Si somos valientes dice el Señor que lo arrebataremos.////
Armemonos de Valor Lyrics (translated)
I have seen the fallen cry bitterly, hidding in solitude for not being able to hold himself up.
I have seen more than one brother suffering because of the love that everyone in the congregation took back.
I have seen the troubled remain silent, for nobody wants to hear anymore, nobody cares.
In the mids of his anguish he longs to find a brother, a friend that loves at all times and gives him a hand.
Let's take courage, let this estrangement end. Let us restore because that is the vision//
I happenned to hear somewhere of someone thirsty of Christ that never got to find out of His great sacrifice,
and of a sinner, just like me that didn't get the benefit that I was able to find, for no one showed him the way.
Let us take courage, there should be no fear. Let us preach and guide souls to heaven.
I have seen the turning back of him who realized that there were too many trials and temptations,
he sadly didn't speak up and just left the church. With nothing more to say, he goes back to his past life.
Let's take courage, because the kingdom of God belongs to the strong.
If we are courageous, the lord said we will conquer it.////
The lyrics to Armemonos de Valor are aproximately 11 years old. At the church I attended, and still attend there has been a custom of having a different department of the church lead a special service at the end of the month. Each mont belongs to a certain department. I this occasion, it was the youth's turn to prepare a special program. At the time, I was the youth leader, therefore the planning of this service was my responsibility. I had been a part of this congregation for 4 years, and had been listening and observing...always learning something new. These lyrics were a reflection of happenings that I had sadly witnessed, or even accidently been a part of. I know that this type of disinterest from one person to another may be very common, as each has their own worries to think about, but it just really bothered me that people who claimed to have the love of God would forget to love their neighbor. This is what pushed me to write this song. Only, it wasn't only a song. This was the closing song for a musical play of three different scenes that touch on the subject of the need to look around and see who needs us love, help, and share the gospel with them.
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Scene from musical play Armemonos de Valor |
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Before Ministerio por su Gracia-The story of how it all began.
And so the story began a few years back, in 2001. We had recently moved from California to Kansas, my family of six was going through a critical moment after moving out of a family member's garage where we had been staying for the last weeks. The manager at an apartments complex kindly gave us an apartment to stay, with hopes that we would soon gather enough money to pay her a deposit. There in that empty apartment we spent days sitting in the carpet, and sleeping on the carpet at night. We saw people's generosity and God's provision as my mother and her husband looked for work. Summer was almost ending, and school time was quickly approaching. I was twelve years old and soon to enter 7th grade, my younger siblings were 7 and 5. One evening I tended to a knock on the door and was greeted by the maintenance man who held three new backpacks in his hand. One more blessing to my family, but this one really came to make a difference. Each bag held inside a flyer with contact information for El-Shaddai Templo de Alabanza, a small newly started church. I made sure to throw away the flyer that came in my backpack thinking of the bitterness my mother held for years against church going people. I didn't realize there were actually three flyers and left the other two alone. Of course, my mother found them, but far from being upset, she made contact with the church leaders and they provided us with transportation for services. Even though I had never attended a christian service before, and even though I had heard so many bad stories about religious people, I couldn't change how I felt as I stepped into that little church of 15-20 members. It was safe. It was peaceful. It was truth teaching, was musical! Pastor Alberto Espinoza invited me to be a part of the chorus, and from then on, I never wanted to stop making music.
In the mean time, in Mexico, a young man named Adulfo was passionate about chasing soccer balls and dreamed of championships and trophies. He had no interest in music. His father tried to teach him how to play guitar, but all he wanted to do was to go outside and kick a ball. After a conversation with a family member Adulfo had in California he decided to travel to the U.S.A. and live the American dream many talk about. His plan initially was to go to California, but the person extending the invitation to him became ill and was unable to help him. Later, he remembered his cousin Ruben, who lived in Kansas. Ruben was willing to give him room in his house to stay, so in 2004, Adulfo moved to Kansas. That same year he started to congregate at El-Shaddai Templo de Alabanza, where his cousin was already attending.
Adulfo had run away from God and from music, always placing his favorite sport as his priority. In the meantime, I fell more in love with both God, and music. When he started attending church, I was already playing the keyboard during services, leading worship at times, and writing songs (that I was always too afraid to share). I was also the youth leader and a children's Sunday school teacher. Soon, he felt the need for God to change his heart, and He did. He became a young man in the pursuit of God's grace and truth. He also confesses to have made prayers to God regarding the church's keyboard player (me). His love for God awoke in him the desire to create music for him, and he started learning guitar, and secretly writing songs. In April of 2005 we finally became boyfriend and girlfriend. In November of 2008 pastor Alberto officiated the ceremony, in which we said "I do" before the Lord.
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Abigail Panecatl, 2005 |
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Adulfo Hidalgo, 2004 |
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2005 |
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Ministerio por su Gracia (By His Grace Ministry)
Ministerio por su Gracia's first album En las Manos de mi Salvador ( In the Hands of my Savior) released in 2015. |
How many times have I looked back wanting to change something I did, or wanting to do something I omitted doing? Quite frankly, I have lost count. Many times we tend to look up to the person in front, the one holding the microphone, the one speaking loud and looking confident. One of the reasons for creating this blog is to show that despite creating music, holding a microphone and playing a musical instrument, both my husband and I, Abigail, remain human. As human as ever, as imperfect as always, but more than willing to press on. The one thing that qualifies me to speak and sing of faith, love, and God's perfection is precisely God's grace. Ministerio Por su Gracia (By His Grace Ministry) is one of the tools God has handed Adulfo and I. A tool for learning, for spiritual growth and a tool to reach others with the same message that gives us hope, peace and joy. This is what we intend to irradiate from our music. In this blog I will open my heart and share personal experiences with you. How did my husband and I meet? What brought us together? How did our musical career began? What is it like to carry out ministry with a spouse? How did our songs come to be? I am really looking forward to write about the experiences that ultimately came out as music, either from our first album En las Manos de mi Salvador or our upcoming release Celestial. In the meantime, get ready to be pleasantly surprised.
Adulfo Hidalgo Ministerio por su Gracia |
Abigail Hidalgo Ministerio por su Gracia |
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